All about maintaining intimacy in marriage

Intimacy in marriage
It's not beneficial for your marriage to stay up late perusing social media to avoid intimacy with your partner or, worse, to pretend to be asleep. But don't worry if you're avoiding sex: you're not alone. At some point in her life, one out of every ten women will experience a reduction in sex drive.
The normal growth of your relationship through time, for example, can cause a decrease in your partnership's quality. However, after you're married, you shouldn't give up on having a fantastic sex life. The importance of intimacy in a healthy, functional, and overall happy relationship cannot be overstated.
The Different Stages of Intimacy
As a relationship progresses, intimacy tends to follow a pattern. Couples that are newly in love usually enjoy sensations of closeness and excitement, as well as regular intercourse.
The stage after that is when many couples decide to start a family. The intimacy of a marriage alters dramatically when they have children. Because of the stress and lack of private time, it's typical for a couple's sex life to diminish after delivering a baby. However, many couples' sex lives do not recover once they are no longer pregnant. Priorities shift to balancing careers and domestic duties while having children.
Even if you don't have children, after three or four years together, the novelty of the relationship wears off. This is usually when sex becomes more routine. Couples don't discuss about their sex lives at this period; thus, intimacy suffers. Couples are also not as deliberate in connecting with one another as they were early in the relationship.
Sexual Obstacles
Other variables, in addition to the maturation of a relationship, can lead to decreased closeness. Pressures from work and family can suck up your time and sap your energy. Relationship resentments or injuries can grow over time. Isn't this one of the most common? Feeling drained and frustrated because your partner isn't pitching in as much as you'd want.
When this happens, having a heart-to-heart can be beneficial. 'Look, this is what it's like to be a woman with these kids in my life right now, and with my profession,' sit your partner down and speak. Do you see what I mean? Are you able to assist and support me? You must talk about it since the resentment that develops as a result of thoughts of inequity is one of the leading causes of intimacy and sexuality loss.
In addition to talking about relationship issues, it's also important to talk about your sex life, even if it's uncomfortable or unpleasant at first. Simply begin the conversation by posing questions such as:
- What are some of your favourite sexual acts that we've done together?
- What are some new experiences you'd want to have?
- Is there anything in particular that you'd like to do more of or less of?
- How attached to me do you feel these days?
Intensify intimacy
It's crucial to pay attention to how you and your partner interact both inside and outside the bedroom. If your marriage is strong but your sexual life is weak, Kraft has some advice on how to keep sex in your relationship.
Determine Your Requirements
Determine what makes you want to have sex. Unlike men, who are instantly aroused, women's desire develops over time. Women's desire usually begins with a connection to their own sexuality or their spouse. In order to set the stage for sexual intimacy, most women need to be relaxed, unconcerned about their to-do list, and connected to their partner.
Consider what makes you feel comfortable and sensuous to get in the mood. Perhaps it's kissing, touching, or intimate conversation with your lover. It could be a drink of wine, a delicious meal, or a good chuckle. Once you've figured out what makes you feel ready for sexual intimacy, discuss your findings with your partner so you can work together to make it happen.
Make an Effort
'I'm a little weary,' 'I need to shower,' or 'It's not a good time,' women remark all too often. However, couples who make an effort to have sex on a regular basis — even if it isn't ideal — have more fulfilling sex lives. If your partner initiates a sexual encounter, follow it to see where it leads. After the intimacy is begun, many women reports feeling arousal. Of course, you should always feel free to stop if it does not put you in a good mood.
Make a Date Night Plan
When you're in a relentless time of life, it's easy to put sex on the back burner. However, the only way to keep an intimate relationship with your partner is to make it a priority. Couples who make time for each other have healthier and happier relationships. It doesn't have to end in sex all of the time. It's more about carving out time to spend together having fun.
Schedule a date night with a babysitter, or simply put the kids to bed early so you can have some alone time. Take a break from your hectic work schedule to meet up for lunch, or take a vacation from your home improvement project by staying in a hotel overnight. Look for methods to create time for each other.
Feeling sultry
It's undeniable that feeling sexy can increase your libido. So, whether you're wearing provocative dresses or lingerie, reading romance novels or erotica, or becoming bendy at yoga class, it's critical that you spend time doing the activities that make you feel sensuous. The point is to concentrate on your requirements.
Take Command
Don't wait for your lover to start sex or for you to follow in his footsteps. Take control of how your sexual experiences play out. Bring whatever makes you feel wonderful, even if it isn't intercourse that night. It's critical to feel in charge of your sex life and to have a say in the closeness of your relationship.
Take Away
Many people believe that sex has to be a huge show with lots of intercourse and orgasms. When it comes to relationships, the most crucial thing is to connect and be intimate, especially for many women. It can be as easy as talking and hugging or gently caressing to be intimate.
Request that your spouse concentrate on the "outercourse," such as caressing, stroking, kissing, and snuggling. Also, talk about how you could have these types of sessions without feeling obligated to have intercourse.
The most important thing is to prioritize having an intimate relationship with your partner. Consider what makes you feel close and what you find sexually appealing. Then consider how you may achieve that with your partner.