6 probiotic drinks recipes to keep your gut healthy

Probiotic drinks for healthy gut

Probiotic drinks for healthy gut 

It is the summertime and we all love a healthy and delicious drink. When we think of bacteria we think of danger, pain, and health issues, however, not all types of bacteria are bad for us. 

Some bacterias are friendly and essential for good health and vitality and they are known as Probiotics. These are live bacteria that are good for your overall health and maintain the digestive system. Probiotic drinks are easy and cost-effective; they can be made in the comfort of your home. 

Living a hectic life we often forget our nutrition and body’s requirements, it is essential to add probiotic drinks to your diet as they will keep you and your gut healthy. 

Our digestive system is a very important part of our well-being, if we do not have a healthy gut then our body will not be able to absorb all the vital nutrients from the food we consume. Here are some of the reasons why you may have an unbalanced digestive system.

  • You consume too much dietary fat
  • You eat a low-fiber diet
  • You have excess stress
  • You are exposed to toxic substances
  • You eat too many processed foods
  • You have gastro infection
  • You use antibiotics 

Benefits of probiotic drinks 

Probiotic means for life, these healthy bacteria keep you young and enthusiastic for life, they manage your digestive system, maintain a healthy balance of all the vital nutrients and help you be healthy all year long. 

Here are some of the benefits of probiotic drinks:

  • Helps boost immunity
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Enhances learning and memory
  • Cures urinary tract infections
  • Alleviates symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Prevents or treat diarrhoea
  • Prevents childhood eczema and allergies
  • Improves oral hygiene
  • Helps you reduce weight and prevents weight gain
  • Boosts your mood

Looking at the benefits of probiotic drinks, it has become very clear that you need to add them to your diet if you want a healthy and balanced digestive system. 

6 Probiotic drinks recipes for a healthy gut 

As we have mentioned above probiotic drinks have a lot of benefits, here are some of the best and easy-to-make probiotic drinks at home. 


Buttermilk has been our staple traditional probiotic drink ever since we were children, one of the best recipes that have been passed on from generation to generation. All you need is a cup of curd, one glass of water, and one tablespoon of cumin powder for this extremely healthy and powerful probiotic drink. 

Grind them together and have it with your brunch or lunch, it is the easiest and healthiest way to provide your body with healthy bacteria. 

Milk kefir 

Kefir is a form of fermented milk drink made with a starter known as grains. It is high in nutrients and probiotics. All you need for this probiotic drink is one glass of milk and a few kefir grains. Add the rubbery & buttery-looking kefir grains to a glass of milk, then cover and let them sit at room temperature for about 24 hours. The milk will ferment and thicken over time, then strain the mix and drink it as you like. 

Probiotic lemonade 

This is not your regular lemonade. It is infused with probiotic goodness as it contains traditional kombucha or water of the kefir grains. All you need is the juice of 10 lemons, ¾ cup of sugar, one cup of whey, 2.5 to 3 quarts of water, and a gallon-sized jar to store. 

Start by adding the sugar into the glass jar, then add some hot water to dissolve it, pour lemon juice and fill it up with filtered water. Let it cool and then add whey, then cover the jar tightly and let sit for about 2-3 days. You can store it in your fridge and have it on a regular basis. 

Fermented orange juice 

This yummy orange drink is best to cool down your summertime hues. It is not only delicious but also extremely healthy. All you need to make this amazing drink is 2 ½ cups of fresh orange juice, 1/2 tsp of kefir water, or 2 tablespoons of whey, a cup of filtered water, and sea salt to taste.

Add all the ingredients one by one, cover the lid of the jar tightly and let it sit for about 48 hours, you can refrigerate it and have it every day. 

Apple cider vinegar drink 

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best to help you maintain your weight, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar also offers plenty of health benefits. All you need is 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of apple juice, a glass of cold water, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Mix all the ingredients well together and serve chilled. 

Probiotic green juice

Greens are a very important part of the food cycle and you must consume all the important greens on a regular basis to get all the vital nutrients. All you need is two stalks of Celery, one handful of Parsley, one handful of Spinach leaves, one handful of kale leaves, and one Probiotic capsule. 

Grind them all together, add the probiotic capsule in the end and mix them well. 

Take Away 

Probiotics are the healthy bacteria that our body needs, make sure that you add them to your diet. We hope you like all the recipes that we have shared above and try them at home.

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