Benefits of consuming whey protein

Whey protein | Benefits of consuming whey protein

You must have seen some of your gym freak friends post pictures of some proteins labeled as ‘Whey’ and they look a little bigger from the last time you saw them. So what exactly is Whey and how is it beneficial for us? 

Whey is the watery portion of milk that we get after the separation from the curds when making cheese. It is mixed with rennet which is a complex mix of coagulant enzymes, milk curdles, and separates into different constituents.

One is whey which is in liquid form and the leftover curds are used to make cheese and also whey’s not as popular’ little brother known as casein. Whey has lots of protein in it which makes it quite different and that’s why it is in high demand.

Whey protein is commonly used for improving the performance of an athlete and increasing strength during workouts. Some people also take whey protein for weight gain

Whey protein is not 100% natural protein but a dairy source, it naturally contains some fat and the sugar lactose. And this can be problematic for those who are lactose intolerant. But this is not a problem because different types of whey protein can be used by people.

What are the types of Whey Protein?

There are mainly following types of whey protein:

Whey isolate:

This is for people who are only looking for protein or are lactose intolerant, whey isolate clocks at above 90% protein with limited denaturation and little to no lactose. Also, most of this whey will have added flavoring.

Whey concentrate:

This is for people who are not lactose intolerant as it contains 80% protein and the lactose can serve as a glucose source, powering your anaerobic energy system, thus powering your lifts.

Whey hydrolysate: 

This is a kind of whey that is pre-digested. It gets absorbed faster than the other two forms. It is more responsible for a spike in insulin levels than whey in the isolate form.

What are the health benefits of Whey protein?

It has many other health benefits other than bodybuilding or gaining weight.

Some of the benefits are:

1) Whey protein is high quality and it is easily absorbed. The protein which you get from meat and fish is really hard to digest for the body. Whey protein is easily digested into the body and does not require a lot of chewing and digesting so it reflects on your body fast too.

2) It works the best for people who are trying to gain weight and muscle growth. Protein is the key factor in muscle growth and retention. Since exercise causes both protein breakdown and protein growth so working out is also important when taking Whey and for it to work on your body.

3) It can reduce muscle fatigue in athletes and active individuals. Whey benefits the performance of the athletes when they consume it before their performance.

4) Whey protein slows down the process of digestion because of which you feel fuller for longer compared to any other snacks. This feeling of fullness can limit your food intake and can help you lose weight.

5) Whey has anti-cancer properties as was proven by some researchers.

6) It also helps in lowering cholesterol levels. Men who are overweight take Whey supplements for some weeks were seen to have a low level of cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. 

7) It also improves blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. Whey protein has significantly reduced blood pressure in patients with hypertension and the risk of developing heart disease or stroke also gets lowered.

8) Whey can also treat type 2 diabetes as it can control high blood sugar levels. It keeps insulin within healthy limits. As a result Whey protein can be effectively used as a supplementary treatment for type 2 diabetes.

9) It also helps to reduce inflammation. Some people have shown the result of reduced inflammation after taking a Whey protein supplement.

10) Whey also increases the body’s antioxidant defenses. Our body produces an antioxidant which is called glutathione which we get from our diet. Its production depends on the supply of several amino acids such as cysteine. Whey protein has high cysteine levels and that’s why it may act as an antioxidant.

How to consume Whey Protein?

Its consumption depends upon your workout plan and many other factors depending on your purpose of intake.  When the goal is to build and maintain muscle mass then you should intake in the range of 1.4-2.0 g/kg body weight has been proven to be effective before. Some athletes prefer to take lower doses because they only need them for endurance. The higher-end is useful when also trying to lose weight while preserving lean mass.

The correct time to intake Whey protein if you are gaining muscles is post-workout. Some food containing proteins should also be taken throughout the day. People who are only taking it for endurance and stamina can take it before their training or performances.

Protein should be taken in controlled quantities because it too has side effects.

Does whey protein increase weight?

Whey protein likewise offers calories for energy, but it also heightens satiety and prolongs your feeling of fullness. As a result, you will have less of an appetite, which will help your diet plan for weight reduction and facilitate weight loss even more. Your body will be more effective at preserving lean muscle mass if you supplement your food intake with whey protein, and numerous studies have demonstrated that promoting muscle health and growth increases metabolism and increases fat burning. However, if you are not using the extra fuel you are ingesting, adding whey protein to your diet could cause you to gain weight. Simply consuming whey protein won't cause you to lose weight. To ensure less side effects and efficient results, use the best whey protein. 

Points to remember before buying whey protein:

  1. Raw material
  2. Quantity of whey protein
  3. Type of whey protein and the amount of each type present in a product.
  4. Always read the label

At the end of the day, weigh out the whey protein uses vs side effects and choose the best whey protein that suits your needs and weight goals.

What are the side effects of Whey Protein? 

As we know, whey is a very high source of protein. We also consume other proteins from foods that we eat in a day. While taking Whey protein you should keep in mind that your protein intake is already high. However, you must be definitely thinking if whey protein is safe for long term use, let's understand the same below.

1) Consuming too much Whey can also lead to digestive issues such as nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, and cramping. 

2) If you always have a sensitive stomach then you should probably switch to another protein source as whey can cause loose motions and other digestive problems.

3) High dosages may also cause acne. Whey protein is very unusual and does not have a natural equivalent.

4) Whey protein might decrease how much antibiotic the body absorbs. Taking whey protein along with some antibiotics might decrease the effectiveness of some antibiotics.

5) High dosage can also cause reduced appetite and tiredness.

6) Some people may also experience unwanted fat gain. Whey has added sugar and this can add to your carbohydrate consumption.

7) Excessive intake of whey protein can also cause a mineral imbalance in your bones.

8) Whey increases the pH level in your blood and which can cause an increase in blood acidity level.

What does Whey do to our skin and hair?

Protein in general is important for healthy hair and skin. Hair follicles are mostly made up of protein. But too much Whey protein can be harmful to our skin and hair.

Some people who were using Whey protein daily were reported to have suffered from acne and some blemishes. It has also caused natural aging in some people and some fine lines too.

It has also elevated testosterone levels which causes hair loss in men. It has also caused male pattern baldness.

Some also complained that they were suffering from hair thinning after taking this medicine.

Soy protein vs Whey protein

Soy protein is a plant-based protein that is obtained from leguminous plant leguminous plant soybean. The protein quality of these two protein sources is very different due to the difference in the propositions of amino acids. Whereas whey is not plant-based it has some added chemicals and carbohydrates in it.

Between Whey and soy protein whey has more balls in its court. Whey has more protein and can add more bulk and muscle fast to the body. It absorbs more quickly as compared to soy protein. Soy protein has a high level of phytoestrogens which is a dietary factor that acts like estrogen which during consumption can create an estrogen like effect on the body. This can lead to higher fat deposition.

Whey and soy protein both are good dietary supplements that can meet your demand but Whey is far superior because of its fast-absorbing trait.

In conclusion, Whey is an exceptionally healthy way to get fit and it is very beneficial for people who are looking forward to adding weight or muscle. It is a really good supplement that can be used by athletes and bodybuilders. And for people looking forward to losing some weight, Whey can be very beneficial.

If you want to know more about health-related concerns and want to purchase dermatologist recommended products, then you can visit the website of Mars by GHC.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is the use of having whey protein?

  • Whey protein is frequently used by people to increase their strength and improve sports performance. Asthma, diabetes, weight reduction, and many other illnesses are also treated with whey protein, however the majority of these applications lack strong scientific backing.

  • Whom to use this whey protein?   

  • Because it only provides calories and can limit the possibility of muscle growth, protein powder may be practical for some people but not for the majority. As a result, if you eat multiple scoops of protein powder at once, you won't see any noticeable results. Despite having less protein than meat-based powders, plant-based powders shouldn't be ignored.

  •  Is it safe to use whey powder for all age groups?  

  • Breast milk and goods made from cow's milk both contain the protein whey. Therefore, whey protein in foods for young children is frequently safe to consume. However, some whey-containing foods and beverages should only be consumed by older kids, teens, and adults, and whey protein supplements should only be taken under medical supervision.


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